3rd time lucky?

So I notice the last time I posted was back in February! It is a little scary how fast this year has flown by. I mentioned to a friend today that I should really write a blog about life lessons I have learnt – I didn’t mention that I had already started one.  The question is, where do I start? How far back do I go to set the scene?

we have had a few rough times during the last couple of years and I have spent many many hours googling random questions looking for someone, anyone who might have experienced something similar. Someone who might offer some advice, guidance or even reassurance. Sometimes I found helpful information, sometimes reassurance, frequently incorrect information and quite often no information. I hope my blog might provide someone with reassurance that what they are feeling, what they are experiencing, whilst maybe not the same, is ok.

on the outside we might look like people who have it all, people who are strong, confident. Just remember, looks can be deceiving.

Wow time flies. Post #2, almost 13months later


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So more than a year after my last post I have re-found my blog. What good intentions I had to keep a journal. Maybe I had a premonition of what 2015 was going to be like. Not that I need a permanent written reminder of the year, it will be etched in to my memory forever. The writing may have been cathartic at the time, either way I am back and hopefully my intentions this year will last longer than this post.
I am still someones wifey, still have no kids (not through lack of trying, but more about that another time), have added a dog, a few kgs and another year to my age.
Here’s looking forward to 2016 and all that it may bring.

Someone’s Wifey

Decided it would be a good idea to keep a blog, like a modern day journal. I kept a travel diary for a year when we lived overseas and I still read it to see where we were this time 3years ago. Not only that, but it’s quite amusing to read what I thought was newsworthy at that point in time. I hope my English teacher, should she ever stumble upon this, doesn’t cringe too much, she never did enjoy my style of writing.